Yahoo!/AOL IMAP collection emails per folder limits

UPDATE: November 16th, 2022: 

We have unfortunately now received reports that the and servers have a folder limit of 100,000 items per folder. The folder’s item count will report the total number of emails in the folder but the Yahoo! and AOL servers will only provide Aid4Mail with 100k items.

If you experience something different, please get in touch with us.

UPDATE: July 1st, 2022 

Aid4Mail version 5.0.16 now defaults to the and serves. You can upgrade your version of Aid4Mail 5 by clicking here.

-If you have Yahoo! or AOL accounts that were already added to Aid4Mail 5 before this update, please simply update the Server name/IP address.

UPDATE: June 30th, 2022

We have found new information that using a different Yahoo and AOL IMAP server will allow you to process 100k emails in each folder. See articles and details below:

Yahoo! Server details

Server name/IP address: (instead of

Port:  993

AOL Server details

Server name/IP address:  (instead of

Port – 993

Written: June 27th, 2022

It has come to our knowledge that Yahoo!/AOL has now imposed new limits on how many emails can be collected per folder when collecting via the IMAP protocol. The limit is 10,000 emails per folder.

If you use a search query or try to collect all the emails from an account, you will only be provided 10,000 emails per folder.

We are currently looking into what can be done in Aid4Mail to work around these limits.

About Fookes Software

Fookes Software Ltd
La Petite Fin 27
1637 Charmey (en Gruyère)

For over 25 years we have been developing award-winning tools and productivity software. We also have more than 20 years of expertise in the field of email processing and analysis.

Our clients include Fortune 500 companies, government agencies, law firms, universities, and professionals specializing in eDiscovery and forensics from around the world.

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