How to optimize performance


  • Use a machine with a fast processor and at least four cores. For example, Intel i7, i9 or better (or their AMD equivalents).Use a dedicated GPU.
  • Use a fast SSD or RAM drive, at least for cache and temporary files. Avoid NAS drives as they can significantly diminish processing speed.
  • If your source or target is an Outlook profile, PST or MSG file, or Exchange, make sure you have the latest Outlook updates installed.
  • Reboot your computer and close any unnecessary programs, including mail applications.
  • Disable any anti-virus, file-monitoring or file-indexing tools that may operate on the source and target folders.
  • Disable Outlook plugins if you are processing Outlook mailboxes.
  • Disable Windows sleep, hibernation and automatic updates.


  • Connect locally using an Ethernet cable rather than Wi-Fi.
  • Ensure your network drivers are up-to-date.
  • Choose a time of day that ensures the highest possible Internet speed.
  • Close any programs or tasks that may reduce available Internet bandwidth (streaming services, software updates, offsite backups, etc).
  • Avoid migrating mail directly from one remote location to another, to reduce the risk of bottlenecks. Instead, migrate from the remote source location to a local format (PST, mbox or EML). Then migrate these temporary, local files to the remote target location.


  • Whenever possible, prioritize Aid4Mail’s 32-bit processing engine over its 64-bit engine. In general, 32-bit applications are faster than their 64-bit counterparts except for tasks that involve advanced mathematical modeling.
  • Unless required, turn off incremental processing and its recording of emails.
  • Use a folder filter to skip any folders you don’t need, or a native filter if supported by your source mail service.
  • Use an item filter to skip emails based on their header content, message body text and attachments, in that order.
  • Unless required, avoid searching files contained within attachments.
  • Unless required, avoid searching file metadata.
  • Set the highest reasonable image-size limit for metadata searches.
  • Unless required, avoid using Python scripts as they may significantly impact performance.


  • Use a folder filter to exclude folders before individual emails are processed, or a native filter if supported by your source mail service. Please refer to the Filter stages topic in the Aid4Mail User Guide for additional information.
  • If you have two search terms separated by an AND operator, if the first term is not found then Aid4Mail doesn’t need to search for the second term. For example, if you’re searching for cat AND dog, and cat is not found then Aid4Mail doesn’t need to search for dog. To optimize performance when you’re using an AND operator, put the search term that’s least likely to be found on the left side of the statement.
  • If you have two search terms separated by an OR operator, if the first term is found then Aid4Mail doesn’t need to search for the second term. For example, if you’re searching for ham OR cheese, and ham has been found then Aid4Mail doesn’t need to search for cheese. To optimize performance when you’re using an OR operator, put the search term that’s most likely to be found on the left side of the statement.
  • If you have search terms to eliminate duplicates (NOT Is:Duplicate) or to eliminate unpurged mail (NOT Is:Unpurged), place them before any other search terms. As Aid4Mail searches for each term in the order it appears, this will greatly reduce the number of emails processed.
  • Place search terms that scan attachments or metadata, notably those that use the FileText or FileMetadata operators, after other search terms. This way, scanning of these potentially large files is done last and on the smallest number of emails.
  • Be attentive to the order of search terms.
  • Use the search term Is:Personal to eliminate bulk and automated mail, newsletters and mailing lists, bounced emails and any other non-personal items from your target mail. Please refer to the Searching personal mail topic in the Aid4Mail User Guide for details.

If you experience any issues, don’t hesitate to Contact Us. If you would like to buy an Aid4Mail license, please visit the Aid4Mail store.

About Fookes Software

Fookes Software Ltd
La Petite Fin 27
1637 Charmey (en Gruyère)

For over 25 years we have been developing award-winning tools and productivity software. We also have more than 20 years of expertise in the field of email processing and analysis.

Our clients include Fortune 500 companies, government agencies, law firms, universities, and professionals specializing in eDiscovery and forensics from around the world.

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