How to create a batch of sessions to process multiple source files or folders

Using Aid4Mail version 5.0.4 (Build 679) or later provides you with the functionality to create a batch of sessions using the asterisk wildcard in the source location or PST file field. This is very useful if your source folder contains multiple PST or Mimecast files that need to be processed. The asterisk wildcard can also be used in the target location or PST file field if you need to convert each source file to an individual target file.

Finally, this asterisk wildcard can also be used for processing folders that contain mail data such as EML files. Let us explain in detail below.

For example, lets say you have the following source folder:

C:\PST files\

that contains the following PST files:


You can now enter the following in your source PST file location in Aid4Mail:

C:\PST files\*.pst

Next you can configure the target settings for the session. If you were converting to EML files, you can use the * character in the target location field as a placeholder for the corresponding source PST file name. For example:


Your Source and Target settings would look like this:

Once you have configured all the settings, make sure the Session List is shown and then click the “Duplicate” button. Aid4Mail will now replace the filename pattern in this session with the full name of the first PST file. It will then create three new, duplicate sessions: one for each of the remaining three PST files that match the pattern. :

Session-001 C:\PST files\fred.pst
Session-002 C:\PST files\sally.pst
Session-003 …

The above method also works with source Mimecast and Google Takeout files.

Another example would be if you have the following Mimecast source folder:

C:\Mimecast\Users Archives\

and it contains the following files:

You would select Mimecast SJF Format as the source and then add the following in the location:

C:\Mimecast\Users Archives\*.zip

If you need to migrate each users archive to an individual PST file, you would add the following in the Target PST file location:

C:\Target\PST Files\*.pst

Once all the other settings are configured in the session, make sure the Session List is shown and then click the “Duplicate” button. Aid4Mail will now replace the filename pattern in this session with the full name of the first zipped file. It will then create three new, duplicate sessions: one for each of the remaining three zipped files that match the pattern. The target PST file locations will also be automatically updated like this:


Lastly, the asterisk duplication feature works with subfolders. Suppose your root folder has the following subfolders (that contain EML files):

You can enter the following as your source location in Aid4Mail (the missing dot tells Aid4Mail to match folders instead of files):

C:\Source\User EML Files\*

If you want to convert each of the folders containing EML files to a single MBOX file, you would enter the following in the target location:

C:\Target\User MBOX files\*.mbox

When you are finished configuring your session, make sure the Session List is shown and then click the “Duplicate” button. Aid4Mail will then replace the filename pattern in this session with the full name of the first subfolder. It will then create three new, duplicate sessions: one for each of the remaining three subfolders that match the pattern.

Source location: C:\Source\User EML Files\
Target location: C:\Target\User MBOX files\

You can use this subfolder Duplicate method for the following source formats:

  • EML
  • Google Takeout
  • mbox
  • Mimecast
  • Outlook .msg
  • SeaMonkey
  • Thunderbird

If you experience any issues, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

If you would like to buy an Aid4Mail license, please visit the Aid4Mail website.

About Fookes Software

Fookes Software Ltd
La Petite Fin 27
1637 Charmey (en Gruyère)

For over 25 years we have been developing award-winning tools and productivity software. We also have more than 20 years of expertise in the field of email processing and analysis.

Our clients include Fortune 500 companies, government agencies, law firms, universities, and professionals specializing in eDiscovery and forensics from around the world.

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