Can I use a Purchase Order?

Yes, you can use a purchase order to buy Aid4Mail.

To buy Aid4Mail using a purchase order, please follow these steps:

  • Visit the Aid4Mail website and select the license you would like to buy.
  • Choose the quantity of licenses and the add-ons you require.
  • Under “Payment Options” select “Purchase Order”

  • Follow the steps to check-out
  • You will then be sent an email with your reference number and the instructions to fax your purchase order (on your company letterhead) to Cleverbridge
  • Once Cleverbridge receives your purchase order, you will be sent the download link and activation codes by email


Purchase orders are only available to corporate customers and you must use your official company letterhead.

If you require immediate product delivery, please choose either the credit card or PayPal payment option.

If you would like to buy an Aid4Mail license, visit the Aid4Mail website. and click on Store.

If you would like more information, don’t hesitate to contact us.

About Fookes Software

Fookes Software Ltd
La Petite Fin 27
1637 Charmey (en Gruyère)

For over 25 years we have been developing award-winning tools and productivity software. We also have more than 20 years of expertise in the field of email processing and analysis.

Our clients include Fortune 500 companies, government agencies, law firms, universities, and professionals specializing in eDiscovery and forensics from around the world.

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