Aid4Mail 5 filtering: using a search list

Aid4Mail version 5 provides you with many features and options in regards to it’s filtering capabilities. 

It supports the use of search lists but still allows you to use search queries if you prefer that method.

Lets go over search lists to provide you with a better understanding on how to use and format them.

Under the Filter section, click on “Basic Search” for item filtering. Now you will see the “Search list” section. To create a new search list, simply click on “Add”. If you have a search list to import, click on “More” then “Import”.

If you click “Add”, a new dialogue box will open. Here you can start adding your search criteria.

A search list file must contain one search term per line. For example:



pet store



Search terms can be single words or phrases. Note that phrases in a search list do not need to be enclosed in quotes, as demonstrated by the phrase pet store in the example above. In fact, search lists cannot include quotes or any other punctuation as explained below.

The following screenshot shows the above example entered into Aid4Mail.

Search terms in search lists can contain wildcards but not Boolean operators, punctuation or search operators. For example, the following lines in a search list would not be valid:


cat AND dog

By default, an OR operator is automatically applied between each line in the search list. A match occurs when any of the terms in the file are found. Therefore, Aid4Mail would interpret the example at the top of this section as:

cat OR dog OR “pet store” OR fox<10>hen OR OR *

Plus (+) operators and minus (-) operators can be added to the start of lines to group search terms together. For example:






A blank line can also be added between the groups to increase clarity. Aid4Mail ignores blank lines in a search list:






This search list would instruct Aid4Mail to first look for messages with both cat and dog, but without mouse, in their text. If a match is found in that group, Aid4Mail will stop searching. If no match is found, it will move onto the next group, searching for messages containing both fox and hen. In other words, the equivalent syntax in a regular search term (that’s not part of a search list) using Boolean operators would be:

(cat AND dog AND NOT mouse) OR (fox AND hen)

For further information on using search lists for filtering, please refer to the Aid4Mail 5 help file. In Aid4Mail 5, simply click on “Help” then “View Help” and use the search tab to find the information you need.

For information on using the search query option for filtering, see here.

If you experience any issues, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

If you would like to buy an Aid4Mail license, please visit the Aid4Mail website.

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Fookes Software Ltd
La Petite Fin 27
1637 Charmey (en Gruyère)

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