Partners: United Kingdom

Arsenal Soft dziala na rynku od 2005 r. Zajmujemy sie sprzedaza i dystrybucja licencji do programów komputerowych. Jestesmy bezposrednim importerem (dystrybutorem) wiekszosci programów, które posiadamy w ofercie (np. Total Commander, Winrar, Snagit, Camtasia Studio, Yosemite, TheBat, IrfanView). Specjalizujemy sie w sprowadzaniu licencji na kazdy program. Realizujemy zamówienia niestandardowe. Nawiazujemy kontakt z producentami oprogramowania z calego swiata.

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ASM Technologies Ltd

Our Story

Established in 1992, ASM Technologies Limited is a publicly-listed company in India with global presence in USA, Singapore, UK, Canada and Mexico. With over two decades of experience, ASM has been providing world class consulting and product development services in the areas of Engineering Services and Product R&D with successful Offshore Development & Support Centers in India and Overseas for its global clientele.


-Public listed company (1994) – BSE Ltd (Bombay Stock Exchange)
-ID: ASMTEC Code: 526433
-Offices: India, USA, Singapore, UK, Canada and Mexico
-Engineering Services and Product R&D


COMPAREX is a global IT provider specializing in license management, sourcing, technical product consulting and cloud-based professional services. With a track record spanning thirty years, COMPAREX serves the public-sector, SMB and large international corporations. Its portfolio includes software licenses from more than 3,000 vendors as well as consultancy and professional services.

Computing Information Systems Ltd

We believe partnership is the key to mutual and sustainable growth. We are committed to making your business work more efficiently through innovation, support and expertise. CIS was established in 1989 specialising in IT solutions, services and consultancy. Our core focus of providing enterprise IT solutions to businesses locally, nationally and internationally has continued whilst our offering has grown to include our own Private Cloud. We offer a wide range of services, and take a flexible approach to our client relationships.

Evolved Information Solutions Ltd

Our mission is to be the providers of I.C.T. products, strategies and services which deliver long term commercial benefits based upon our clients key business requirements. Our strategies are economical, efficient, durable and flexible allowing our clients organisations to respond rapidly to both market and customer needs.

Insectra Technology Services S.L

Insectra Technology Services is Technology Company that delivers a wide range of Technology Services to customers in Europe, the Middle East and the Americas.

Some of our Services are:

Data Center Design, Deployment and Management
Network Design, Configuration and Operations
Server Support (Windows, Solaris, HPUX, AIX, …
Business Services Deployment and Maintenance (Email, Web, DNS, …)
Web Site Design & Internet Presence
Information Systems Security

Locations: ,

Insight is a leading worldwide technology provider of integrated solutions to business and government clients. Through its extensive hardware, software and services offerings and efficient supply chain combined with highly skilled technology specialists and engineers, it provides integrated IT solutions to its clients’ most compelling problems, helping them run their businesses smarter. Insight’s ability to assess, design, deploy and manage IT solutions creates meaningful connections with its clients, enabling them to better manage and secure their IT environments.
Insight is a single source for our clients’ diverse IT needs, simplifying their businesses and helping them control their IT costs.

IT Scotland

Based in Glasgow, we offer IT support and services to companies who prefer to concentrate on their business and leave the technical stuff to someone else. We help our clients to save money on expensive IT staff, increase productivity, eliminate system downtime and free up time to concentrate on their staff and customers. We have a flexible approach, which ensures that we and our customers are always pulling in the same direction. We’re enthusiastic about IT, good at what we do and we’re growing fast.

Kinetic ICT Solutions

Kinetic is a specialist IT Support company. Its services are designed to reduce the cost of IT Support in small to medium sized businesses. Kinetic understands the importance of providing the right solution for its customers to ensure maximum return on investment. Its services are designed to fit all businesses, regardless of size and technical ability from full network and server solutions and support to cloud solutions to fit your business.

Locations: ,

We provide professional consultancy, supply and installations that are both cost effective and utilise the latest technology.

Locations: ,
QBS Software Ltd

QBS Software is a renowned software reseller, providing a comprehensive range of products produced by a wide spectrum of software publishers. Our core philosophy is to provide world-class customer service experience which stems from every aspect of our organisation from its leadership, vision, strategies, systems, customer relationships, processes and its people with particular focus on delivery, timeliness, information, professionalism, staff commitment and technical support. QBS members initiate positive and long lasting customer and vendor relationships. Trust is earned through the consistent display of attentive consideration and delivery. By listening to customers, we show we care. By responding effectively to what we hear, we are dependable. We provide independent impartial advice and leverage over 29 years of data-gathering, knowledge, insight and expertise.

Locations: ,

For over 10 years, RECOVEO has been pioneering data recovery services for all types of media and systems.

RECOVEO helps companies as well as individuals to maintain continuity in the face of data loss, by providing an efficient data recovery service. Whether data was lost following human error, hardware malfunction or malicious damage, RECOVEO will recover the maximum data possible. If you have lost your data, don’t hesitate to contact us in order to obtain a free quote or more informations about our service, or visit our web site. If the data recovery require an access to electronics components, even if the case have to operate in a clean room, Recoveo is able to operate with security and professionalism to find a solution in compliance with your needs and recover all your data.

SEDNA Systems, Plc.

Vision of a Better Working Environment

“We have all the technology and resources to overcome our greatest barriers. We only need to step outside our comfort zones and have the courage to embrace new collaborative partnerships and processes.”

Astronaut Ron Garan who lived on the International Space Station wrote this when thinking about earth in the book “The Orbital Perspective.”

This concept and outer space is important to SEDNA as our name comes from the brightest and most distant planet in the solar system. We think big and bring a broad perspective to help people work better together.

Spun off from Stage 3 Systems, SEDNA was born to solve the communication issues plaguing teams and improve the systems we use to complete projects more effectively.


From software and hardware procurement to deployment planning, configuration, data center optimization, IT asset management and cloud computing, SHI offers custom IT solutions for every aspect of your environment.

SHI’s goal is to foster long-term and mutually-beneficial relationships with our customers and partners, every single day.

The expertise, dedication and commitment to excellence of each member of your SHI account team (and the support organization that backs them) have made SHI into the industry-leading, complete IT solution provider we are today.


SoftwareONE – In your neighborhood – worldwide

SoftwareONE helps clients manage all aspects of their software portfolio, with the objective of reducing complexity, costs and risks for the client, while increasing the flexibility of their IT landscape to adjust to changing business needs. Its proprietary Software Portfolio Management (SPM) approach covers all aspects of the clients software lifecycle, which includes

– Translating their business needs into a software portfolio strategy
-Optimizing both the procurement process and licensing conditions of the software deployed
– Managing clients’ demand, utilization and deployment, as well as compliance with contracts in place

Globally headquartered in Stans, Switzerland with a footprint in 145 countries, our 3000 technology consultants help our customers optimize all aspects of their software portfolio, leveraging our extensive technical and commercial expertise and strong knowledge of and relationships with all main publishers.

About Fookes Software

Fookes Software Ltd
La Petite Fin 27
1637 Charmey (en Gruyère)

For over 25 years we have been developing award-winning tools and productivity software. We also have more than 20 years of expertise in the field of email processing and analysis.

Our clients include Fortune 500 companies, government agencies, law firms, universities, and professionals specializing in eDiscovery and forensics from around the world.

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