Partners: Sweden


COMPAREX is a global IT provider specializing in license management, sourcing, technical product consulting and cloud-based professional services. With a track record spanning thirty years, COMPAREX serves the public-sector, SMB and large international corporations. Its portfolio includes software licenses from more than 3,000 vendors as well as consultancy and professional services.

Degea AB

Vår affärsidé är att leverera IT-funktioner för våra kunder som skall underhålla och lyfta deras verksamhet. Vi anser oss vara i unika i våra funktionsavtal där vi tillsammans med kunden definierar vilka funktioner, sett ur ett användarperspektiv, som är nödvändiga för att kundens verksamhet skall fungera väl och vara konkurrenskraftig. Därefter tar Degea ansvaret för tekniken och gränssnittet mot verksamheten. På så vis klargörs ansvarsgränserna på ett mycket positivt sätt och behovet av IT-kompetens hos kunden minskar rejält.

Då många IT-funktioner konsumeras i form av molntjänster blir supporten och stödet till slutanvändaren allt viktigare jämfört med traditionell drift. Vår supportavdelning med rutinerade tekniker som slutanvändaren kommer i kontakt med direkt är en av Degeas mest uppskattade styrkor.


Insight is a leading worldwide technology provider of integrated solutions to business and government clients. Through its extensive hardware, software and services offerings and efficient supply chain combined with highly skilled technology specialists and engineers, it provides integrated IT solutions to its clients’ most compelling problems, helping them run their businesses smarter. Insight’s ability to assess, design, deploy and manage IT solutions creates meaningful connections with its clients, enabling them to better manage and secure their IT environments.
Insight is a single source for our clients’ diverse IT needs, simplifying their businesses and helping them control their IT costs.


SoftwareONE – In your neighborhood – worldwide

SoftwareONE helps clients manage all aspects of their software portfolio, with the objective of reducing complexity, costs and risks for the client, while increasing the flexibility of their IT landscape to adjust to changing business needs. Its proprietary Software Portfolio Management (SPM) approach covers all aspects of the clients software lifecycle, which includes

– Translating their business needs into a software portfolio strategy
-Optimizing both the procurement process and licensing conditions of the software deployed
– Managing clients’ demand, utilization and deployment, as well as compliance with contracts in place

Globally headquartered in Stans, Switzerland with a footprint in 145 countries, our 3000 technology consultants help our customers optimize all aspects of their software portfolio, leveraging our extensive technical and commercial expertise and strong knowledge of and relationships with all main publishers.

About Fookes Software

Fookes Software Ltd
La Petite Fin 27
1637 Charmey (en Gruyère)

For over 25 years we have been developing award-winning tools and productivity software. We also have more than 20 years of expertise in the field of email processing and analysis.

Our clients include Fortune 500 companies, government agencies, law firms, universities, and professionals specializing in e-discovery and forensics from around the world.

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