Partners: Colombia

Softline Group

Softline is a leading global IT (information technology) service and solution provider operating in different markets all around the world including Russia and CIS, Latin America, India and Asia. Our services include end-to-end technology solutions, software licensing, hardware products and services. We have a strong cloud offering powered by our own cloud platform.


SoftwareONE – In your neighborhood – worldwide

SoftwareONE helps clients manage all aspects of their software portfolio, with the objective of reducing complexity, costs and risks for the client, while increasing the flexibility of their IT landscape to adjust to changing business needs. Its proprietary Software Portfolio Management (SPM) approach covers all aspects of the clients software lifecycle, which includes

– Translating their business needs into a software portfolio strategy
-Optimizing both the procurement process and licensing conditions of the software deployed
– Managing clients’ demand, utilization and deployment, as well as compliance with contracts in place

Globally headquartered in Stans, Switzerland with a footprint in 145 countries, our 3000 technology consultants help our customers optimize all aspects of their software portfolio, leveraging our extensive technical and commercial expertise and strong knowledge of and relationships with all main publishers.

Targetware Informática LTDA

Fundada em 2007, a Targetware é referência em revenda de softwares para o mundo corporativo. Através de parcerias internacionais com fabricantes de primeira linha, a empresa traz para o Brasil e América Latina os melhores softwares para o mercado corporativo e indústrias de diferentes segmentos.

Atuando sob o domínio, a Targetware surgiu com a necessidade de outras empresas trabalharem com softwares específicos, seja comercializando uma grande variedade de produtos à pronta entrega, ou até mesmo buscando no mercado mundial a solução que o cliente precisa. Nosso objetivo não é oferecer uma única solução, mas sim trabalhar com vários produtos de uma mesma categoria, permitindo que as empresas decidam qual o software que melhor atende suas necessidades.

About Fookes Software

Fookes Software Ltd
La Petite Fin 27
1637 Charmey (en Gruyère)

For over 25 years we have been developing award-winning tools and productivity software. We also have more than 20 years of expertise in the field of email processing and analysis.

Our clients include Fortune 500 companies, government agencies, law firms, universities, and professionals specializing in eDiscovery and forensics from around the world.

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