Download Aid4Mail

Get your free trial now and test it for as long as you want.

  • Windows 11/10/8/7
  • Windows Server* 2025 and older
  • 240MB free RAM, 120MB disk space

*Aid4Mail Enterprise only


Click on the download now button to get your free trial version of Aid4Mail (see what’s new).

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Related downloads (PDF format):
Trial limitations

Don’t worry, this isn’t a dumbed-down version. In trial mode, you get to test all Aid4Mail’s features, with just a few limitations, which are removed once a license is purchased and the product is activated.

During trial mode, Aid4Mail makes these modifications to converted emails:
  1. Subject lines are truncated to 20 characters and the following text is added: [Created with trial version of Aid4Mail]
  2. The From email address is replaced with:
  3. Attachments, and sometimes embedded contents, are removed from emails that exceed 1 MB (Aid4Mail Enterprise and Aid4Mail Investigator) or 10 MB (Aid4Mail Converter).
System requirements
Operating system:

Aid4Mail runs under Windows 11 and 10, as well as Windows Server 2025. Windows 8.1 and 7 (SP1) and earlier versions of Windows Server are also supported if the .NET Framework 4.8 has been installed. Both Windows 32-bit and 64-bit versions of these operating systems are supported.

Hardware requirements:

240MB free RAM, 120MB disk space. Pentium (or compatible) processor.


Online license activation, validation, and re-activation require an internet connection (offline activation available on request).

How to uninstall

Aid4Mail is delivered in a quality installer that doesn’t make any irreversible changes to your system. You can easily uninstall Aid4Mail at any time by using “Add/Remove Programs” in the “Windows Control Panel”.

Click on the download now button to get your free trial version of Aid4Mail (see what’s new).

download now

Related downloads (PDF format):

Don’t worry, this isn’t a dumbed-down version. In trial mode, you get to test all Aid4Mail’s features, with just a few limitations, which are removed once a license is purchased and the product is activated.

During trial mode, Aid4Mail makes these modifications to converted emails:
  1. Subject lines are truncated to 20 characters and the following text is added: [Created with trial version of Aid4Mail]
  2. The From email address is replaced with:
  3. Attachments, and sometimes embedded contents, are removed from emails that exceed 1 MB (Aid4Mail Enterprise and Aid4Mail Investigator) or 10 MB (Aid4Mail Converter).
Operating system:

Aid4Mail runs under Windows 11 and 10, as well as Windows Server 2025. Windows 8.1 and 7 (SP1) and earlier versions of Windows Server are also supported if the .NET Framework 4.8 has been installed. Both Windows 32-bit and 64-bit versions of these operating systems are supported.

Hardware requirements:

240MB free RAM, 120MB disk space. Pentium (or compatible) processor.


Online license activation, validation, and re-activation require an internet connection (offline activation available on request).

Aid4Mail is delivered in a quality installer that doesn’t make any irreversible changes to your system. You can easily uninstall Aid4Mail at any time by using “Add/Remove Programs” in the “Windows Control Panel”.

One download for three editions

Aid4Mail Converter

A professional email converter that is fast, reliable and easy to use.

  • Collect local & remote email
  • OST, PST, mbox, EML, PDF, …
  • Office 365, Gmail, IMAP, …
Aid4Mail Investigator

Adds all you need for successful email forensics and eDiscovery.

  • Pre-acquisition filtering
  • Powerful email searching
  • Recover deleted emails
Aid4Mail Enterprise

Adds multi-user access via shared USB drive or server installation.

  • Convert archive formats
  • Migrate to Office 365, IMAP, …
  • CLI app for automation

About Fookes Software

Fookes Software Ltd
La Petite Fin 27
1637 Charmey (en Gruyère)

For over 25 years we have been developing award-winning tools and productivity software. We also have more than 20 years of expertise in the field of email processing and analysis.

Our clients include Fortune 500 companies, government agencies, law firms, universities, and professionals specializing in eDiscovery and forensics from around the world.

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